Trueanimallover’s Blog

Lost Pets: How ID Tags Could Save the Day!
March 30, 2009, 5:05 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I had an experience with my old maltepoo, Penny, that made me appreciate dog tags more.  You see, Penny got lost when he was still a puppy and his old dog tag made finding him a lot easier.

I hate to say this, but most people do not know a poodle from a maltepoo.  For some, dogs are just dogs.  Breeds are not significant.  Even if they see your posters identifying your lost dog’s breed, age, and contact information, they would not be able to remember it as much when they do find your lost dog.

Also, when people find a lost animal, they tend to call an animal shelter instead of trying to find their owners.  Lucky for me, Penny had an ID tag that identified him as properly vaccinated, owned by me, and had my details: my name, address and telephone number.  A kind soul picked Penny up and read the dog tag and 5 hours after he was lost, and after the person who found him called me, I was driving across town to pick him up.

It is fairly a common thing to lose your pet.  In fact, around 30% of all pet owners lose their pets at one point or another, according to a 2003 study made by the Animal Hospital Association.  So it is vital that you take steps to make it easier for your pet to be returned to you in the event he gets lost.

Having an ID tag also identifies your pet as one that has a loving home and a loving owner to return to.  Not just a stray.  So if you want to save your pet from euthanasia, better get those ID tags.  These would help animal shelters locate you if ever they end up in their care.

What is more, ID tags now are very fashionable and easily customizable.  These days, your pet can sport a fashion statement according to his personality.  ID tags now come in a range of designs, colors, and materials that you will surely adore!

Some tips:

  • Select a large enough tag to be able to fit in all the information you need to include.  Make sure that the information is legible.
  • Do include your name, address and phone number on your pet’s ID tag.
  • Do use those closed-type clasps, or “o” shaped clasps, instead of the “s” shaped because closed-type clasps ensure that the tags stay on
  • Use a collar that will stay on your pet no matter how he tries to wriggle out of it.  It should be snug, but not too tight.

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